The Teller County Honorary Deputy Sheriff Association


Come out for an enjoyable 18 holes with Sheriff Mikesell at Shining Mountain Golf Course

Friday, June 9th, 2023 - 7:30am shotgun start

Come out the the beautiful Shining Mountain Golf Course and play 18 holes against the backdrop of Pikes Peak. At the same time, you’ll be helping a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the safety and survivability of our county’s deputies and funding community programs like Shop with a Hero.

Come early for breakfast burritos and coffee. And if you’re one of the first 50 to arrive on the day of the tournament, you’ll receive a special gift bag. Make sure you arrive early enough to find the carts that have been identified for your team.

The scramble format tournament begins at 7:30 with a shotgun start.

You can either put together your own foursome or be matched in a foursome of like minded players.

A spaghetti and taco bar lunch will be after the tournament, followed by a silent auction and a live auction.

If paying by check, the entry fee of $100 per person covers the round of golf, cart, breakfast, and lunch.

If registering online, the entry fee is $125 per person. The additional amount covers fees associated with online payment processing.

Click the button below to download the Registration Form. The form, along with payment, can either be mailed to the address on the form of hand delivered to the Sheriff’s Office reception window at 11400 U.S. HWY 24 in Divide. Please make out checks to HDSA.

If you with to register online, please remember that the fee is $125. Click the button below to go to our Take Action page where you’ll be able to make online payment through PayPal.

If you wish to sponsor the golf tournament, we would like to extend our most sincere Thank You. Please click the button below to download the Sponsorship Letter.

To find out more about the Shining Mountain Golf Course, click the image below to be taken to their website.